Raising Knowledgeable (Socially, Spiritually, Culturally, Globally) Black Children

We had the honor of chatting with Monalisa Oluko Diallo–mother, educator, activist from Baltimore who has raised 3 children. During our exchange, she reflects on her experiences as a child experiencing blatant, overt racism in early education–and used that experience to inform her own parenting choices. She shares amazing tips on how to raise knowledgeable, well-rounded, globally sound Black children.

A quote from Monalisa Oluko Diallo about her parenting

I’ve made lots of mistakes raising children. But my I sole intention and purpose was to raise independent, discerning, loving, competent humans.  I realized that mothering is for a lifetime.  It requires much skill and devotion.


Click here to review the article referenced in the discussion about boys crying.


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